Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Yesterday was my birthday.

I had truly forgotten how horrible Pearl Harbor Day birthdays are when you are a student. I though it was bad to have your birthday during "dead week"- the week before finals- when I was an undergrad.  It sucks so much more as a grad student because professors kindly let you basically have finals week off, and everything is due dead week.  I have 3 term assignments due within 72 hours of my birthday.

Not like my birthday was special this year- I'm a broke, now 29 year-old grad student, nothing special was really happening.  But still, kinda sucks.  

Though I must admit, my kick ass fellow student government representatives did make me a kick-ass M&M peanut bag candle thing to blow out.  They are pretty awesome.

Which leads me to my confession- I ate the M&Ms.  There were 30 carbs in that bag, and I ate every last one.  And after my tri-tip dinner (just tri-tip, the boyfriend didn't think to make anything else...but he got flowers!) I had a bowl of gelato.  That was 4 hours ago- I am now paying the run to the bathroom price.  Eeeew.

Today is just another reminder that I just can't eat carbs, my body doesn't like them.

Down 19.5 lbs officially!  I'm a week behind my goal pace, but it's okay.  I think I'm getting sick, so I'm really not going to want to eat anyway XD.

Have a wonderful day, folks!

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